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DVA Central Alabama Veterans Health Care

1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

The VA Podiatry Service in Montgomery, Alabama offers a range of podiatric medicine and surgery, with a focus on trauma and reconstructive surgery. The program has OR time and an affiliation with Jackson Hospital for rotations. Montgomery has a low cost of living and is within driving distance to Atlanta and Gulf beaches. The program has available positions for rearfoot and forefoot specialties.

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Review Format 

Attendings/Residents/Students (lifestyle, criticism, aura): 


OR Experience:

Clinic Experience:

Research Opportunities:

City Life:

Favorite Part:

Constructive Criticism:


Not hands on which i thought was odd for a VA

August 2, 2023

Attendings/Residents/Students (lifestyle, criticism, aura): they were okay some were good but I did not get along with all of them

Didactics: I got to present and we would do journal club about once a week

OR Experience: ELECTIVE

Clinic Experience: minimal

Research Opportunities: none that i know of however i did not specifically ask

City Life: i had fun it was a small town feel to it, I did not think of it as dangerous

Favorite Part:

Constructive Criticism: trust the students more and be more inviting


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