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DVA – Dayton VA Medical Center

1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

The program offers a high-paced and well-rounded training experience, with exposure to a full variety of medical and surgical pathologies. Residents work in a busy daily clinic where they develop superior skills and gain experience in surgical cases, exceeding surgical numbers easily. Interdisciplinary care is emphasized, and residents work with various specialties such as orthopedic surgery, vascular surgery, and infectious disease on a daily basis. Additionally, 20% of the residents’ time is spent in external private practice podiatric surgical rotations in the Dayton metro area. Graduates receive broad experiences in caring for complex patients in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Dayton has many attractions, including the National Museum of the United States Air Force, Dayton Art Institute, and Carillon Historical Park.

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November 30, 2023

1st year is basically all clinic and ZERO surgery. Even the emergent cases that come in are prepared by the 1st years and handed off to the second years. In 2nd year you will finish all your numbers by traveling to outside affiliates. You will get your pediatric numbers from the nearby air force base which is a 2 week rotation (to cover 3 years)with pediatric MD/DO residents. You will only finish your required numbers and then 3rd year you are back in clinic all day every day. You are 1st on call as a first year for 2 weeks. You will have a 2nd on call resident but the entire load falls on the 1st call. The outside attendings barely let you participate in the cases and will not allow you to do notes. Most graduates have basic understanding of even suturing.The attendings there are toxic and have a habit of not working with certain residents. All the attendings in that VA with one exception will only do surgery once a year to keep their license. Friday academics are a joke. Journal club is online watching ACFAS videos.


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