The JFK Medical Center Podiatric Residency Program in Palm Beach County offers two entry-level positions with a three-year commitment, approved by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education. The program provides a high volume of reconstructive rear foot and ankle surgery and offers a unique, multi-disciplinary approach to resident education with a significant number of Allopathic rotations. The location is conveniently located near colleges/universities, beautiful beaches, desirable residential communities, excellent schools, and transportation options, including the Palm Beach International Airport and train & bus transportation. Additionally, Atlantis, Florida, where the JFK Medical Center is located, is home to popular attractions such as the Atlantis Golf Club.
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Attendings/Residents/Students (lifestyle, criticism, aura):
OR Experience:
Clinic Experience:
Research Opportunities:
City Life:
Favorite Part:
Constructive Criticism: