The Westside Regional Medical Center Residency in Plantation, FL, is a high-volume PMSR-RRA program emphasizing surgery, didactics, and research. The program includes joint replacement, external fixation, arthroscopy, trauma, ankle, hindfoot, and forefoot reconstruction surgeries, with residents responsible for taking all emergency room calls for pathology below the tibial tuberosity at both Westside Regional Medical Center and Plantation General Hospital. Residents perform over 1000 surgical cases and 2,000 surgical procedures at six different locations, as well as 1500+ office encounters. The program offers weekly academics, journal club, sawbones workshops, and cadaver labs. Upon graduation, residents average two manuscript publications in nationally recognized journals and are prepared to enter competitive fellowships, large multi-specialty/orthopedic groups, or private practice. The program accepts three residents. In addition to the program, Plantation offers a variety of attractions and activities, such as parks, museums, art galleries, restaurants, and shopping centers.
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Review Format
Attendings/Residents/Students (lifestyle, criticism, aura):
OR Experience:
Clinic Experience:
Research Opportunities:
City Life:
Favorite Part:
Constructive Criticism: